When you might need a website redesign service…
Digital Marketing Goals
Perhaps your marketing goals or business profile has changed and you need to reposition your website for more active search engine engagement or to present yourself differently. But don’t be too quick to trash your old site before engaging a website redesign service. You should consult with a professional about how to update to a new, modern website whilst retaining your existing search directory traffic.
It’s normal that at least every few years some work needs to take place to fix and refresh parts of a website. A site redesign project generally falls into two categories – Design and Content updates and functionality updates.
Make your site current again.
Design and content redesign
If you’ve been building and adding content to your site for a time, some work can be beneficial to organise your content so its easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for. This work can include reorganising navigation and home page links or moving content into better taxonomies, categories, tags and sub-menus.
If your website hasn’t seen any changes for a while, some design elements may appear dated. A redesign might be considered to improve or just refresh the visuals of the website to make it more modern or to improve the tone or branding of the site.
Functionality updates
Sometimes a site requires new or improved functionality, such as better ways to manage the content on your site or improvements to the way your visitors communicate with you on the site – like new forms, bookings, real-time communications – or something entirely bigger, like an ecommerce facility.
A Website Redesign will help your Digital Marketing Goals
Perhaps your marketing goals or business profile has changed and you need to reposition your website for more active search engine engagement or to present yourself differently. But don’t be too quick to trash your old site and start over. You should consult with a professional about how to update to a new, modern website whilst retaining your existing search and directory traffic.